Users are 'relationshopping': looking at other people's features, weighing them up, then choosing potential partners, as though from a catalogue; it's human relationships reduced to check-boxes.
部分问题是由于人们在约会网站上容易变得像个消费者,用户像是经历选购对象的过程,仔细查阅对方特点,挑肥拣瘦的掂量,选择可能的对象,就像看邮购目录似的,这把人和人的关系降低成为简单选择题。 这算是目前技术的通病了,不单单是在网络约会这方面。
Staff were pleasant and helpful and even arranged for a weighing scale to be brought to our room so that we could check the weight of our luggage.
In every case the samples are weighed together. Check that all the samples are on the weighing tray. Ensure that the scale is in a draft-free environment.
The OBU series single point load cell is designed for low profile scales and automatic check weighing systems where great accuracy, reliability and fast measurement are required.
The OBUX series single point load cell is designed for platform scale, hopper scale and automatic check weighing systems where great accuracy, reliability and fast measurement are required.
The OBUX series single point load cell is designed for platform scale, hopper scale and automatic check weighing systems where great accuracy, reliability and fast measurement are required.