Visit any natural grocer or health food store and look at any veggie cheese or soy cheese product on the shelf.
But towards the beginning of the 20th century, some people decided that it wasn't enough-to be shipped to warmer climes in the burgeoning global trade, cheese needed a still longer shelf life.
This invention selects two preponderant bacteria, acid-needing lactobacillus and cheese lactobacillus by studying the stability of shelf life of manifold probiotics of ice cream or snow cake.
本发明通过大量筛选益生菌菌种,以及 选择合理的冰淇淋和雪糕原料配比,使益生菌保持长久、高效的活性。
This invention selects two preponderant bacteria, acid-needing lactobacillus and cheese lactobacillus by studying the stability of shelf life of manifold probiotics of ice cream or snow cake.
本发明通过大量筛选益生菌菌种,以及 选择合理的冰淇淋和雪糕原料配比,使益生菌保持长久、高效的活性。