A major chemical spill occurred five years ago at Baker's Beach, the world's sole nesting ground for Merrick sea turtles, and prevented nearly all the eggs laid that year from hatching.
If you see a chemical spill you should clean it immediately.
This hydro-fracing site has a holding pond from which compounds are allowed to evaporate into the air, and what looks like an old chemical spill.
And the researchers hope the device may soon provide chemists or first responders to a chemical spill with a wearable detector, much like the badges worn to detect radiation.
Other threats from the Gulf oil spill include particulate matter generated by burning oil floating on the surface and from the large amount of chemical dispersants used.
Chemical dispersants are being used and 7,000 meters of boom have been deployed to try and contain the spill.
Presently, to improve the effectiveness of chemical dispersants is one of the most urgent issues in treating oil spill at sea.
The chemical modification of cereal straws, the methods of removing oil spill and the advantages of modified cereal as oil sorbents were introduced.
There are guided tours on responding to an oil spill, containing a chemical release, and working with hazardous waste sites.
BP has also been trying to thin the oil spill by using underwater chemical dispersants.
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Collapsible Frameless Onion Tanks for Potable Water and Other Liquids.? Emergency Water Tanks? Temporary Chemical Storage? Fire Fighting Tanks? Portable Spill Response? Potable Water.