Who's the chief of state of this nation?
The ensign of a chief of state, nation, or city.
"A lot of states are still trying to define telemedicine," says Lisa Robbin, chief advocacy officer for the Federation of State Medical Boards.
Its chief flaw, in the eyes of critics, is that it reaffirms the outcome of the 2001 conference, where the Jewish state had come in for much criticism.
Electricity supply has been restored to pre-quake levels as of Monday morning, according to gu Junyuan, chief engineer of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission.
The state Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel filed papers Monday to suspend John Michael Farren's license. It wants a trustee appointed to handle his clients' cases.
The former chief executive of South African Airways, the state airline, was sacked last year over alleged financial wrongdoing.
Many chief executives have come round to the view that federal controls would be better than a patchwork of state laws.
Mr.Oddsson's spokesman says the banking chief has been 'in charge of the finances of the biggest city in Iceland and the Icelandic state for over 20 years.
At the ministry of higher education, where officials try to mollify petitioners, Tahar Labassi, a linguistics professor drafted in to serve as chief of cabinet, thinks the state may cease to function.
Mayawati, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, which is India's largest state and one of its poorest, with 170m people, has been quick to demand that it be carved into four.
The father of Chukwuma Soludo, a former central-bank chief, was seized at the end of October in Anambra state, where his son hopes to become governor.
Chukwuma soludo的父亲simeon soludo是前任中央银行总裁,十月底在阿南布拉(anambra)州被绑架,Chukwuma soludo有望成为该州州长。
In 2004 Don Blankenship, the chief executive of Massey Energy, spent $3m to help elect Brent Benjamin to the state Supreme Court.
2004年,美西能源CEODon Blankenship,曾花费了三百万元帮助布拉特.本杰明选举到州立高等法院。
Chief among them was Marlin Stutzman, a young state senator and self-proclaimed “original 9/12er” (an anti-tax movement launched by Glenn Beck of Fox News).
When I was Reuters China bureau chief from 1991 to 1994, there was almost no transparency; statistics could not be relied on; interviews were rare; the state of the economy was a mystery.
The chief coping mechanisms are the informal markets and trading networks that sprang up to cope with the famine and the breakdown of the state food-distribution system.
Still, state changes are consistently one of the chief causes for programming errors for imperative programmers.
The chief American delegate to those talks, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, arrived in Seoul.
We all know that the plural of "anecdote" is not evidence, but I can categorically state that, for me, the outgoing commander-in-chief has mercifully never figured in any discussion on that subject.
The National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers led the effort.
My own experience relevant to these enormous challenges involved the almost 15 years during which I served as chief medical officer for the New York State office of Mental Health (OMH).
The chief U.S. delegate to the nuclear talks, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, is scheduled to arrive Tuesday in Seoul to meet with officials here.
Back in Hyderabad in the evening, Wolfowitz, in the company of state chief minister Y. Rajasekhara Reddy, met more than a hundred self-help group representatives from other districts of the state.
沃尔福威茨晚上回到海得拉巴之后,在邦首席大臣y .RajasekharaReddy的陪同下,会见了100多名来自该邦其它地区的自助小组代表。
Wang Mengshu, deputy chief engineer at the China Railway Tunnel Group, told state media last week a shortage of funds had halted the construction of more than 10,000km of track nationwide.
中国中铁隧道集团(ChinaRailway Tunnel Group)副总工程师王梦恕上周曾告诉国有媒体,资金短缺已导致全国逾1万公里铁路的建设停工。
Wang Mengshu, deputy chief engineer at the China Railway Tunnel Group, told state media last week a shortage of funds had halted the construction of more than 10,000km of track nationwide.
中国中铁隧道集团(ChinaRailway Tunnel Group)副总工程师王梦恕上周曾告诉国有媒体,资金短缺已导致全国逾1万公里铁路的建设停工。