I'm amazed at how many mothers and fathers ask this of childless couples.
In America, everything we are we see in the movies, and classic Hollywood films are filled with glamorous childless couples.
Turksma told me that she saw many young, newly married childless couples who also hit the rails shortly after moving abroad.
Childless couples suffered the same problems - only a little later, explained Denver University psychology professor Scott Stanley.
A team led by Professor Gerhard Kloesch at the University of Vienna recruited eight unmarried, childless couples in their twenties for their study.
The results showed children were a barrier to intimacy, with childless couples almost twice as likely to have at least one intimate moment every day.
There are no real culprits (you cannot denounce childless couples) and the solutions sound cheery: encouraging breeding, improving schools, promoting research and the like.
In every state the numbers of unmarried couples, childless households and single-person households are growing faster than those comprised of married people with children, finds the 2010 census.
After the birth of a child, couples have only about one-third the time alone together as they had when they were childless, according to researchers from Ohio State.
The couples who choose to be childless contend with tremendous pressures from families and society.
This is an indication that some young couples may opt to remain childless as they are worried about problems such as financial strain, nurturing and education.
This is an indication that some young couples may opt to remain childless as they are worried about problems such as financial strain, nurturing and education.