Discussed variable flow control of chilled water system with the example.
Variable primary flow chilled water system is a system with energy saving.
Based on the analysis of the performance of air cooler, the influences of the temperature and flow rate of chilled water on the cooling capacity are investigated.
The energy saving effect of several control modes was contrasted in variable primary flow chilled water system under partial flow.
However since VWV system is multivariable, strongly coupled, nonlinear and time variant, its design performance and management are more difficult than constant flow chilled water volume system's.
The first-of-its-kind device, made by Olympic Medical Corp. of Seattle, works by maintaining a constant flow of chilled water through a cap placed atop a newborn's head.
The constant and variable primary flow design proposals at the chilled water side of the evaporator has an important influence on the operation cost of the system.
The constant and variable primary flow design proposals at the chilled water side of the evaporator has an important influence on the operation cost of the system.