I am from China, so I'm not good at English.
Many managers in China and other emerging markets are familiar only with good times, so some investors worry that they might not perform well if the economy stumbled.
Good, I also don't know to be writing what, because I heel you again not familiar, have no a lot of words good chat, so wish your blessing here such as East China Sea life ratio south mountain!
In China, when you hear people say "Your English is very good", most probably you will say "no, not so good" and you think you're modest.
Second, building quality homes in the middle of nowhere does no good without cheap and convenient transportation, so China actually needs to invest more, not less, as many argue, in infrastructure.
In China, the screw drilling and the normal pressure compressed air drilling were conducted for trial and the results were not so good.
The overall development of detective literature of modern China is not so good, however, it's undoubtedly that Cheng Xiaoqing is still one of the most excellent detective novelists.
So empowering China to deal with its own problems of carbon is good for everybody, and it's not a zero sum, I win, you lose.
He said now very like to wear Chinese-made clothes, and return to Europe after friends said he seemed more in China, so he asked not good?
As a response, China has also taken strong measures to counter American siege. It is partially effective, however, the overall effect is not so good.
So I feel it would be a good idea for China to allow more appreciation ofthe renminbi, but not because I think it will produce a huge change in the trade deficit.
So I feel it would be a good idea for China to allow more appreciation ofthe renminbi, but not because I think it will produce a huge change in the trade deficit.