He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.
Yet so monumental are the deficits that these reductions merely chip away at the task awaiting Mr Osborne if he becomes chancellor this spring.
Help the team find some aspect of the problem to chip away at.
But snoring regularly can chip away at the quality of your own sleep.
You are functioning fine, and yet slowly, this disease can chip away at the optic nerve, and by the time you have symptoms from glaucoma, oftentimes there’s not really much we can do, ” he said.
One of the deadliest habits that chip away at children's self-confidence is any form of stereotyping.
Our expectations for our children and our reactions and words to them can give them votes of confidence or chip away at their self-worth.
It pretty much represents an entirely new framework that other researchers will chip away at for years to come.
The advantage is that you might not need any external RAM at all if you can get away with a very small amount on chip.
First in this plan, Hamas wants to expand the circle of countries that support it and chip away at the bloc opposing it.
Depression can affect all aspects of a person's life, but a recent analysis shows that even slight signs of the condition can chip away at productive hours at work.
But Microsoft executives hope that the new website, which has been in development for several years, can chip away at the dominance Google exerts on the lucrative web search market.
Dumbledore had passed the job of destroying them to him, and obediently he had continued to chip away at the bonds tying not only Voldemort, but himself, to life!
Instead, the closer in quality — and price — the knockoffs are to the genuine products, the more the counterfeit goods chip away at the company's sales, say analysts.
"Negroland" is not about raw racism or caricatured villains. It is about subtleties and nuances, presumptions and slights that chip away at one's humanity and take a mental toll.
Its aim is to chip away at your feelings of self-worth and independence.
The Senate proposals would chip away at that exemption by limiting the amount that would remain tax-deductible based on employees' incomes or the value of their plans, or both.
You are functioning fine, and yet slowly, this disease can chip away at the optic nerve, and by the time you have symptoms from glaucoma, oftentimes there's not really much we can do, " he said."
You are functioning fine, and yet slowly, this disease can chip away at the optic nerve, and by the time you have symptoms from glaucoma, oftentimes there's not really much we can do, " he said."