India has almost identical energy concerns, though its potential chokepoint is not Malacca but the Strait of Hormuz.
Indestructible terrain funnels the player through a chokepoint that divides the outer section of the compound from the inner sanctum.
Other city placements things to look out for: if you have a chokepoint, it will be in many cases a good idea to put down a city there.
Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del., where construction is adding to the bottleneck.
Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del. , where construction is adding to the bottleneck.
Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del. , where construction is adding to the bottleneck.