This is the claptrap that politicians have peddled many times before.
Empty or insincere talk; claptrap.
Not even in Syria do many believe such claptrap.
You learn more in one week watching this claptrap than you do all year on education TV.
You only appreciate me curry favour by claptrap appearance, even off I force a smile camouflage.
A real designer to design something not to curry favour by claptrap but in art and functionality to satisfy both sides.
"It's all a lot of claptrap," said Uncle Vernon, glaring at Harry with piggy little eyes. "I've decided I don't believe a word of it."
That should not, however, blind those proper doctors to the one thing, among all the claptrap, the so-called alternative does have to offer.
His. talk about employers being not only the masters but the friends of their workmen is. also mere claptrap because he knows as well as we do.
Initially seen in the cover of the book, I have little doubt: is it right? This is a scissors and paste type and nature of the mix work with curry favour by claptrap?
Initially seen in the cover of the book, I have little doubt: is it right? This is a scissors and paste type and nature of the mix work with curry favour by claptrap?