The sample application sets the Interval property of the System.Windows.Forms.Timer class to 1000 milliseconds.
例子程序设置System . Windows .Forms . Timer类的间隔属性为1000毫秒。
The OrderFulfillmentService class is responsible for processing customer orders and does so based on the polling interval specified in the App.config file.
orderfulfillmentservice类负责处理客户订单,并且根据在App. config文件中指定的轮询间隔进行处理。
Teachers call over each class or after an interval of one or two classes and write down the names of the absent students.
For the notification class the number of notification batches generated during the reporting interval.
For notification batches of the given notification class generated during the reporting interval number of notification delivery attempts.
The WinForms Timer class allows the user to perform a particular action at a set interval.
The OrderProcessingService class is responsible for processing purchase orders, and it does so based on the polling interval you specify in the file.
orderprocessingservice类负责根据在AppConfig .properties文件中指定的轮询时间间隔处理购买订单。
In Sweden, it is rare to see as a domestic so the interval of the disparity between the rich and the poor, no obvious class differentiation.
The class of switched systems, unknown-but-bounded parameters contained in both stated matrix and input matrix, are transformed into dynamic interval systems.
In this article we investigate the search course of the component concept meaning in the understanding of the glossary combined concept by means of space interval and class occultation separately.
This paper deals with the problem of resilient guaranteed cost control for a class of generalized interval systems.
When implemented in a derived class, begins an asynchronous operation to accept a channel of the type specified by the current channel listener within a specified interval of time.
When overridden in a derived class, begins an asynchronous operation to reply to the request associated with the current context within a specified interval of time.
When overridden in a derived class, gets the default interval of time provided for an open operation to complete.
When overridden in a derived class, closes the operation that is replying to the request context associated with the current context within a specified interval of time.
Discusses the robust stability of a class of interval switched systems with parameter uncertainties.
This paper shows the existence of odd periodic points for a class of unimodal maps of the interval and gives order constructure of some periodic orbits.
The time interval between the warning bell and the class bell is two minutes.
Thus this paper tries to deal with four issues related to this topic:(1)correctly understand the statement of interval and limits of IQ class;
The exponential stability problem is addressed in this paper for a class of switched systems with interval time-varying delay where the delay parameters are variable in a time interval.
Then divide the interval of element contents equally into three groups and distinguish preliminarily the distributional class of the data based upon their respective frequency.
This paper describes the interval slope methods for a class of multiobjective optimization problems, of which the objective functions are in C1.
Multi-attribute decision making of interval numbers is one of a class of uncertain multi-attribute decision making problems.
The shock wave problems for a class of the nonlinear singularly perturbed equations is studied. Using indirect matching method, the shock solutions of shock wave in an interval are constructed.
When overridden in a derived class, replies to a request message within a specified interval of time.
At the end of an interval for promotion, those who are qualified for promotion after appraisal shall be promoted to the next higher class;
The problem of optimal guaranteed cost control was discussed for a class of interval singular systems with state delay.
The problem of optimal guaranteed cost control was discussed for a class of interval singular systems with state delay.