Moreover, the agency wanted a premium of close to 10% and a counter-guarantee from a commercial bank so that, in the case of a payout, it had a chance to claw back the funds.
Christopher McFadden of Goldman Sachs points out that clients have started to claw back much of the lucrative sales rebate (some prefer to call it kickback) PBMs get from drugs manufacturers.
Competitors point out that the grocer will claw most of that back by, for example, rewarding shoppers with loyalty CARDS less generously and reducing other special promotions.
Claw back bonuses that turn out to be earned on excessive risks.
Although study results have been somewhat conflicting, evidence suggests that devil's claw may help relieve low back and neck pain.
Another study found that devil's claw supplementation was effective in patients with rheumatic diseases (arthrosis and low back pain).
Another study found that devil's claw supplementation was effective in patients with rheumatic diseases (arthrosis and low back pain).