Society doesn't need newspapers, wrote Clay Shirky in a widely read blog post this March.
“社会并不需要新闻报纸!”三月份,Clay Shirky在一个流量很大的博客上发布。
"Society doesn't need newspapers," wrote Clay Shirky in a widely read blog post this March.
“社会并不需要新闻报纸!”三月份,Clay Shirky在一个流量很大的博客上发布。
The writer and web commentator Clay Shirky suggested that people should think more carefully about how they see the world.
作家和网络评论人Clay Shirky建议人们应该更加小心地考虑他们如何观察这个世界。
Some observers, such as Clay Shirky, a professor at New York University, have argued that they have been an important catalyst for change.
一些观察员,比如纽约大学的教授克莱•舍基(Clay Shirky)认为智能手机和社交媒体是变革的重要催化剂。
That's according to Clay Shirky, a new media scholar from new York University who spoke yesterday at the South by Southwest conference in Austin.
这个结论来自纽约大学的新媒体学者Clay Shirky昨日在奥斯丁的西南论坛上的发言。
"People want you to think that newspapering is' everyone is working on the next Watergate '," says Clay Shirky, a media guru at new York University.
“人们希望你将办报看作“人人都可能成为第二个水门事件主角。””纽约大学一个报业大亨Clay Shirky说道。
Clay Shirky believes that new technologies enabling loose -collaboration - and taking advantage of "spare" brainpower - will change the way society works.
Clay Shirky认为新的科技导致了宽松的合作,以及利用了“多余”脑力的优势,会改变社会运作的方式。
Author Clay Shirky writes about social capital in his books "Here Comes Everybody" and "Cognitive Surplus." social capital is what we gain from interacting within our community.
作者Clay Shirky在“大家一起来(Here Comes Everybody)”和“认知过剩”书中写道社会资本是我们从与社会的交互中获得的。
In his interview to Buzzwatch, Clay Shirky draws the attention to the fact that in most cases, "the software that launches with the fewest features is the stuff that takes off".
Clay Shirky在Buzzwatch的采访中表示,应注意这样一个事实——即在大多数情况下,“推出最少特性的软件往往大受欢迎”。
In his interview to Buzzwatch, Clay Shirky draws the attention to the fact that in most cases, "the software that launches with the fewest features is the stuff that takes off".
Clay Shirky在Buzzwatch的采访中表示,应注意这样一个事实——即在大多数情况下,“推出最少特性的软件往往大受欢迎”。