What kind of the cleaning procedure is available in your company, CIP (cleaning in Place) or WIP (Washing in Place) or manual cleaning?
This paper describes mechanical cleaning in place of chemical cleaning to clean the scale in vacuum salt making pre-heater with good results in practical application.
But now you've got a good starting place, rather than trying to mix in design with cleaning up the CSS and figuring out if you're writing XHTML or HTML strict or whatever else.
The car after a long-term use, often in the ceiling of this inconspicuous place accumulated a lot of dust, which is often the daily cleaning, take care of the place.
Is there a documented re-inspection process in place for product cleaning?
The entire program runs fully automatic and takes place in the same cleaning chamber.
Is there a product cleaning process in place with proper cleaning solvents?
All you do is place up to four garments in your dryer with the dry cleaning sheet, set the timer for 20 minutes and let 'em roll on medium heat.
This means that cleaning takes place in batches: a load is processed completely in a single chamber and then taken out of the machine.
To conduct cleaning duties in the assigned Place of Work, and provide a courteous, professional, efficient and flexible service to our customers.
New cleaning liquid and production method has come up, and in place of RCA.
Maintain a warehousing area in a good cleaning, good housekeeping and safe working place.
Negative energies are all around and even embedded in the earth, and part of the cleaning process that is taking place is to transmute them.
Please place laundry and dry - cleaning into separate bags and fill in separate form.
The house cleaning that is will ensure the structure for these behaviors is put in place.
I bought all the supplies, I laid them out in the most convenient place possible and I broke down the cleaning process into 4 'micro-chores.
In addition to stains after the utensils, cleaning with water or place it in the dishwasher clean.
Clean in Place(CIP) system is a method of cleaning the surfaces of pipes, vessels and process equipment by physicochemical reactions of cleaning agent, without disassembly and manual scrub.
Our systems and procedures in place mean that whatever your environment, we have the capability to meet and exceed your cleaning requirements.
We are foreseeing most of the cleaning to take place in the coming months all over your planet.
All in all, USB Virus Scan can prove a handy tool when it comes to cleaning infected USB flash drives and preventing them from getting infected in the first place.
总而言之,US B病毒扫描可以证明一个方便的工具,当涉及到清洁感染的USB闪存驱动器和防止他们受感染摆在首位。
Besides daily regular cleaning, our service representatives would disinfect every place and all equipment in each room after our guests had left.
A pilot-scale reactor for continuously generating sodium hypochlorite ( NaCIO) , which is applied to the cleaning-in-place (CIP) and the sterilizing-in-place (SIP) , is introduced in this paper.
Under the sink dishwashers are built-in, allowing room for your pipes, while still offering cleaning power and enough room for up to 10 place Settings.
You place a dry-cleaning sheet in the bag along with your 4 blouses or 2 large garments and seal the bag. Then you tumble-dry the bag on low heat or the permanent-press setting.
You place a dry-cleaning sheet in the bag along with your 4 blouses or 2 large garments and seal the bag. Then you tumble-dry the bag on low heat or the permanent-press setting.