The reforms might erode that advantage—but perhaps not if they work: salmon farmers hope that fewer dead fish will compensate for the cost of cleaning up their act.
The navy is chafing at the cost of patrols, rescue operations and cleaning up fuel spills.
The cost of cleaning up the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as well as compensating victims is likely to be in the billions of dollars for Tepco, analysts said.
The cost of cleaning up the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as well as compensating victims is likely to be in the billions of dollars for Tepco analysts said.
Compensation covers the cost of cleaning up, Marine life protection and losses to businesses.
The cost of cleaning up the environmental damage is not limited to trying to repair the actual damage to the environment.
In addition, the double hull bulk carrier has the remarkable superiority on saving the time of unloading cargo in the port and the cargo hold cleaning up as well as the cargo hold maintenance cost.
Considering the costs associated with preventing and cleaning up environmental contamination, water-based hydraulic systems hold the potential for tremendous cost savings at the plant level.
Considering the costs associated with preventing and cleaning up environmental contamination, water-based hydraulic systems hold the potential for tremendous cost savings at the plant level.