There is no clear dividing line between what is good and what is bad.
I draw a clear dividing line between my online and offline world.
After repairing, no cracks, no hard points and no clear dividing line exist.
Software, too, has a pretty clear dividing line between goal-directed tasks and excise tasks.
There was, he suggested, no clear dividing line between what was acceptable and what was not.
Making a clear dividing line between the sales revenue from mixed sale and sideline business;
Help children to see a clear dividing line between male and female dress and personal appearance.
Find amusement when the occasion arises and sincerity, in the heart forever have clear dividing line.
Find amusement when the occasion arises and sincerity, always have a clear dividing line in the heart.
Perhaps the most important thing we have learned from studies of other animals is that the line dividing us from them is not as clear as we used to think.
The low beam clear distinguishes the light and shadow parts with obvious dividing line, What is the legal excellent light shape and will be soft to vehicle and passerby.
近光灯影明暗分明, 截止线清晰可见。具有符合法规的良好配光光形, 对车辆及行人不会造成刺眼的亮光。
Process with flat surface the clear and definite dividing the line the bore the coarseness processes to process with the nicety the stage to guarantee their process the precise degree.
Process with flat surface the clear and definite dividing the line the bore the coarseness processes to process with the nicety the stage to guarantee their process the precise degree.