The purpose of the pipeline pigging is clear in pipe welding of mud, welding slags sundry, for pipeline caliper and normal operation of pipeline to provide security.
The study makes the flaws of pipeline insulation clear by field investigation and test analysis.
A throttle valve must be installed along outlet pipeline when the conditions of work are not clear or stable, this can guarantee operation at the design point.
In the suspension method, the force and displacement of pipeline are clear, and the displacement and force point of pipeline are adjusted continuously via the sling.
It describes water replacement to clear long-distance LPG pipeline before repairing the pipeline.
Pipeline in Piper nigrum Linn were identified by TLC with clear and reproducible spot, the content of pipeline in extractor was determined by HPLC.
If you do not clear in time, it will cause the pipeline corrosion and even produce rupture and leakage.
In the testing work that showed a clear shape of wall and location of the defect can be visual display pipeline status, and to improve the efficiency of inspection.
In the testing work that showed a clear shape of wall and location of the defect can be visual display pipeline status, and to improve the efficiency of inspection.