For example, the request may have been initiated by a client and sent to a server for processing.
An outbound communication is initiated by a J2EE component, which ACTS as a client to access EIS.
Transactions can be initiated by any J2EE component -- an EJB component, a servlet, or a JSP page (or an application client, if the container supports it).
事务可以由任何J2EE组件来启动 ―一个EJB 组件、一个servlet或者一个JSP页面(如果容器支持的话,还可以是一个应用程序客户机)。
The request has to be initiated by the client, and the server can only send data in response to a request.
An IMS call initiated from the SIP client typically triggers a sequence of asynchronous TCAP events between the next-generation application and the TCAP stack interface.
One works over TCP and USES port 1935. The downside to this version of RTMP is that the connection has to be initiated from the client browser.
The resultant XML response forms part of the SOAP response body, which is returned to the SOAP client that initiated this request.
Then any results need to be relayed back to the director, which then returns the response to the client who initiated the Web page request.
For example, when the air traffic control system development was initiated, three-tier client server systems and airline deregulation did not have to be considered.
They represent requests initiated by the user, triggered by links and forms in the client web browser.
They represent requests initiated by the user, triggered by links and forms in the client web browser.