There are many different types of reports - scientific lab reports, business reports, systems analysis reports, management case study reports, feasibility studies, client case work reports.
Unless you have an asymmetric set-up, in which case the client can POST and/or PUT its order somewhere on the server.
We can do that since the client in this case is another EJB running on the same server.
In this case, when any client sends data to server, this anonymous function is called and the data is passed into the function.
It is used to parse either XML or text on the client — in this case to parse the string returned from the server.
In the first case, the logging client is able to keep the unavailability of the server transparent to the business application.
You can now create a human task emulator in the test client or a test case, which can be either manual or programmatic.
This test case is just a single client accessing the database.
The private key is kept with the XKMS service in case the client loses its private key.
What happens to the client session data in case the original server crashes?
In this case, "client" is the thing that initiates the connection.
This proxy class resides with the client, which in your case is the bot.
Major law firms, with few exceptions, base their bills to their clients on the number of hours that the firm \ \ \ 's lawyers work on the client \ \ \' s case or other project.
Forms client - in this case, we installed the forms client on the Palm OS Simulator 5.2.1 and configured it to interact with the forms server.
表单客户机——在本例中,我们在PalmOSSimulator 5.2.1上安装了表单客户机,并已将其配置为与表单服务器交互。
On the server side, a chat channel is really just a SimSet - a simple collection of objects, in this case client IDs.
You might also need to adjust the client timeout in this case, as shown here
In this case, each client is part of the same domain (discovery.nasa.guv).
在这个例子中,每个客户机都是同一个域名(discovery . nasa . guv)的一部分。
The dynamic test involves using the Monitor to record SOAP messages between the Web service and client; in this case, the client is a JUnit test Suite based on Axis 1.4.
动态测试指使用Monitor记录Web服务和客户机之间的SOAP消息;在本例中,客户机一个基于Axis 1.4的JUnitTestSuite。
Note about the Security Warning: the application needs to read and write files on the client (in this case the client and server are the same host) and is started by an applet.
To test it, use a Telnet client or the test case provided with the download.
In this case the client need not poll.
The client in this case can be either application code or some form of system code.
The client in this case never invokes a method directly.
In this case, the client side team can work in parallel with the server side development team.
For those like my client in this case, who have the courage to accept the extraordinary risks that a criminal jury trial entails, the system can and does work, and work well.
In that case the client can create a sequence and Offer it to the server for responses.
In this case, the client is starting the transaction; hence the REQUIRED transaction attribute.
In the first case, the client can simply resubmit the message and no particular action need be taken on the server as the message has not yet been processed.
In this case, the client is configured to actively ask the resource for its latest state.
In this case, the client is configured to actively ask the resource for its latest state.