Many other European smelters could close because they are unable to strike cut-price new deals for electricity as older contracts run out.
Price match not valid for sale , special , special order or close out items . we will not price match loss leader items . we reserve the right to limit quantities.
Now then - hold out your hand and close your eyes. And imagine our future price rising... soaring!
Suppose Mr Tan finally decides to close out his position at a price of 165.2 points.
假设最终张三不再看涨新加坡股市,他于是 指示期货经纪以165.2的价格卖出该期货。
What I need to point out is that if your party cannot lower your price to the level of the international market, there will be no chance for you to close a deal.
What I need to point out is that if your party cannot lower your price to the level of the international market, there will be no chance for you to close a deal.