DC constant current power supply circuit based on current closed-loop feedback control is brought (forward) in this paper and how to design the circuit is also emphatically introduced.
A kind of the pulse control mode, the drive and motor closed loop, but not to the numerical control system, the feedback device, in a sense, can open loop control called the servo control.
At the same time using Holzer sensors will be converted into pulse frequency motor speed feedback to the MCU, realize the speed closed-loop control, to achieve speed detection.
Closed loop feedback adopts PID control rule to insure the stabilization of magnification times.
The main form of management control is closed loop (feedback) control, and it has good stability and self - adaptability.
It can be concluded that by way of torque feedback closed loop control, transmission shift shock can be reduced.
At each unwinder the film wraps around a load-cell-mounted roller, which monitors the film tension, providing the feedback signal for electronic automatic closed-loop tension control.
In combining cantilever control with angular measurement and using the measured angular values as feedback, a closed-loop displacement control system is formed together with a step motor.
A kind of the use of impulsive control mode, the drive and motor closed loop, but not feedback to the numerical control system, this drive, in a sense, can open loop control called the servo control.
Based on performance of real-time and closed loop feedback flight control system, a set of robust adaptive observers are set up for sensor fault isolation and reconfiguration.
An aeroengine model can be identified from actual closed-loop engine test data if pseudorandom binary sequence as test signal ACTS on feedback circuit of the closed-loop control system.
In order to realize rotor position control in the magnetic bearing system, a closed loop position feedback control system is needed to be established.
A strictly dynamic closed loop processing control flow chart was formed by means of global tracing, customer feedback and product improvement.
Furthermore, the stability of the speed-tracking control closed loop system constituted of feedback linearization control and sliding mode observer is analyzed using Lyapunov stability theory.
To meet the practical needs of production technics, a solve scheme of inherent feedback chopping speed regulation is put forward by using DSP processor to realize closed loop control.
By introducing new design parameters such as control move damping coefficient and state feedback weighting fact, the poles of the closed loop predictive control systems can be assigned arbitrarily.
Rotate speed control is implemented via two closed-loop systems with current and rotate speed feedback, through setting up simulant rotate speed and acceleration given by computer.
Constituted the speed closed-loop system with the speed feedback, used the low pass filter method to reduce the error, so the overall system control performance is advanced.
The system proposes the application of a closed loop position servo control and sets up a model and algorithm of er ror tracing and digital feedback.
Closed loop structure is adopted in this control system, the current and voltage of welding is used as feedback quantity.
As the target of flatness control, flatness target curve is an important component of the closed loop feedback flatness control system.
Global exponential stability of fuzzy control systems with delays is studied, a nonlinear state feedback controller is designed to ensure the global exponential stability of the closed-loop system.
A closed loop control system is formed by current and Voltage feedback system by means of HALL sensor and potentiometer.
In the inner closed loop, general PID control method based on encoder feedback of motor is adopted, and in the outer closed loop, a new fuzzy control based on position feedback of joint is adopted.
Based on the mathematic model of separately excited DC motor, the control structure of the single - feedback-closed-loop controlled DC velocity modulation system was obtained.
Further study of Circuit exchange regulator presents, takes the starting current as feedback signal to complete closed-loop control of soft start control of the three-phase induction motor.
The online adjustment of intermediate roll is calculated from the closed loop feedback flatness control system dependent on the actuator efficiency factors.
Absrtact: Analyses common characteristics of scheduling algorithms, and presents an embedded real - time operating system which is based on a closed - loop feedback control scheduling strategy.
Absrtact: Analyses common characteristics of scheduling algorithms, and presents an embedded real - time operating system which is based on a closed - loop feedback control scheduling strategy.