In spite of its limitations, from opening line (" This life don't last forever... ") to closing (" I guess I learned my lesson much too soon ") a very intimate, authentic, humanizing picture evolves.
And in the spirit of conciseness that one-liners inspire, I'll refer you to "one-liners 101" for some closing thoughts on one-line Perl scripts.
根据一行程序所崇尚的简明精神,我希望您参阅“One - liners 101”,以获得有关一行perl脚本的一些最终想法。
Adjust the script to read as shown in listing 7. The new code starts on line 4 with the creation of a NotesStream object and ends on line 8 with the closing of that object.
Add the code shown in Listing 7 at line 103 (below the close-pinch 50-point if closing bracket) for open-pinch detection.
Hillary's closing line in the campaign was that she was the only thing standing between her and the abyss.
This will give your closing line time to sink in.
Closing at the end of the month, only need to draw a single line in the last business record, do not need to balance the balance once again.
Closing one eye to line up objects works really well in VR.
This paper studies closing overvoltage on unloaded line in EHV power system by means of digital computer.
In closing, 60-minute technical side turns down, date line technical side is weak, which shows big chance to back bounce.
The actual trend line is calculated based on the team's actual progress in completing work and closing work items.
To cope, many car makers are closing factories temporarily to keep vehicle supply in line with demand.
Even more important, though, is the closing line in the message.
The defensive midfielder's main duties are to protect the defensive line from breaking attackers by closing them down quickly and to support the creative midfielders when in possession.
"We are closing in on the finish line and the trip to Cesena will be a very important game," he said ahead of tomorrow night's match.
"We are closing in on the finish line and the trip to Cesena will be a very important game," he said ahead of tomorrow night's match.