Li Ning in November announced it would pay HK$321 million (US$41 million) to buy 58% of Shanghai Double Happiness Co., a leading maker of ping-pong tables and equipment and a sponsor of the Olympics.
11月份李宁宣布将斥资3.21亿港元(合4,100万美元)收购上海红双喜冠都体育用品有限公司(ShanghaiDoubleHappiness Co.) 58%的股份。 红双喜主要生产乒乓球桌和相关体育用品,同时也是奥运会赞助商。
The Florida Department of Health and the Florida Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation co-sponsor the Florida Arthritis Partnership.
The host of 2016 China Derby is China Horse Industry Association , and the sponsor is Chengdu Strongmax Equestrian Co. , Ltd.
Catering to different interest groups, each council is formally structured with a senior-level executive sponsor and top-management co-leaders.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of you, either as a co-sponsor, contributor, performer, volunteer, or as a participant of the Celebration.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of you, either as a co-sponsor, contributor, performer, volunteer, or as a participant of the Celebration.