There were no air stewards in machinery space, either. They'd been replaced by a stocked refrigerator, a coffeemaker, and a microwave oven.
I occasionally found drowned mice in the coffeemaker.
And by 1908, the first drip coffeemaker was introduced.
The coffeemaker itself is designed for an on-the-go coffee drinker.
I wake up and start the coffeemaker, drink a glass of water, then sit on a small pillow.
Sit. I wake up and start the coffeemaker, drink a glass of water, then sit on a small pillow.
Some of the features of this coffeemaker include a 15 bar pump pressure and die cast metal construction.
For brewing a personal cup of coffee at home or on-the-go, nothing's better than a single cup coffeemaker.
For some Java drinkers, pouring fresh-ground coffee into their coffeemaker is the perfect start to their day.
There were no air stewards, either. They'd been replaced by a stocked refrigerator, a coffeemaker, and a microwave oven.
It isn't always convenient to refill the coffeemaker with water every time you need a cup, especially first thing in the morning.
By hooking up the coffeemaker to a PC and connecting the PC to the Internet, coffee connoisseurs can remotely concoct the perfect cup of coffee.
For serious coffee drinkers, stowing the coffeemaker inside a cabinet just doesn't make sense; you'll only have to pull it out again in a few hours.
Add a pinch of salt to the coffee in the basket of your coffeemaker. This will improve the coffee's flavor by helping to remove some of the bitter taste.
Mary Ann had to buy a separate coffeemaker for the bays just to keep him out of the lobby, where he got fingerprints everywhere, and swore and farted as he pleased.
玛丽安不得不另买了一个咖啡机放在修理区,就是为了不让他到营业室里去掺和。 只要他一进去,就会把脏手印留得到处都是,而且满嘴脏话,随意放屁。
Start from the moment your eyes opened, and replay every movement - getting out of bed, starting the coffeemaker, going to the bathroom, washing your hands, or whatever.
Great for commuters, office professionals, and one-coffee-drinker households, this personal coffeemaker brews 15 ounces of coffee directly into a stainless-steel travel mug.
The mug, filter, filter basket, and mug lid are dishwasher-safe, and the coffeemaker can also be used to heat water for tea, hot chocolate, and instant foods like oatmeal and soup.
For other coffee lovers, being able to quickly insert a pre-packaged, single portion pack into their coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in a few minutes is a match made in heaven.
For other coffee lovers, being able to quickly insert a pre-packaged, single portion pack into their coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in a few minutes is a match made in heaven.