"When people enter into that pattfern of thinking,"says Kendall Taylor, "it's cognitively comfortable to make sense of issues of poverty in that way.
Practicing a piece of music for four hours requires focused attention, but it is nowhere near as cognitively demanding as a sleepover with 14-year-old girls.
Although it is possible that only people who are cognitively healthy would pursue such activities, those who read newspapers or magazines or played music did not show similar benefits.
This is how tagging works, cognitively speaking.
Everyone construes his world cognitively as he grows up.
And there was no difference cognitively between the two groups.
Especially to cognitively complex humor, full of twists and surprises.
But why should driving be so cognitively onerous in the first place?
Cognitively, man, the subject of cognition, must classify and categorize the objects.
Now, she knew, cognitively that smoking was bad for her, that's why she joined our program.
Participants were asked to rate how frequently they engaged in cognitively stimulating activities.
Mental simulation should be used to cognitively "walk through" the steps of the idea generation process.
Cognitively, the study of EFL vocabulary is quite different from the acquisition of native language vocabulary.
The problem with texting while driving is that we're not cognitively equipped to do both tasks at the same time.
Broad sense of thinking is the preconscious type of awareness that we have in sensational cognitively relevant sensations.
In addition to achieving higher performance, these cognitively overqualified employees were less likely than others to quit.
All users will be more efficient and make fewer errors if they have a product designed with cognitively disabled users in mind.
The last part is a conclusion survey, with the doing with the view in order to summarize mainly and cognitively of this research.
Earl Miller: In actuality, people can only really think about two or three, maybe four cognitively demanding thoughts at one time.
That could explain why our sleep-deprived selves are so cognitively challenged: We are, if not precisely half-asleep, partially asleep.
Traditional studies usually regard metaphor as a rhetoric device, while modern studies view it more cognitively than rhetorically.
If you don't already know then the easiest way to find out is listen for whether they describe the world cognitively or affectively.
As noted, among those who were cognitively normal at the start of the study, moderate alcohol drinkers appeared to be protected against dementia.
Mia is cognitively alert but unable to communicate and I was afraid that as she grew she was not going to be able to tell us what she wanted.
While stereotypes of breeds are deeply rooted, Dr. Hare said, there is no evidence to show that one breed is cognitively superior to another.
She's protecting them from the most intellectually demanding activities because she doesn't understand what's cognitively difficult and what isn't.
One of the best ways to do that, Nemeroff and Haddad and their colleagues concluded, was to have people cognitively co-mingle the water with nature.
Objective to evaluate the correlation between cognitive changes and APOE genotype as well as vascular risk factors among the cognitively normal elderly.
目的了解认知功能正常的老年人认知功能变化与不同载脂蛋白e (APOE)基因型及血管性风险因子的关系。
Objective to evaluate the correlation between cognitive changes and APOE genotype as well as vascular risk factors among the cognitively normal elderly.
目的了解认知功能正常的老年人认知功能变化与不同载脂蛋白e (APOE)基因型及血管性风险因子的关系。