The program is currently in Phase One, which includes building the platform and ensuring that all components work together cohesively.
In light of the need for asbestos abatement and air monitoring, the team members needed the ability to work cohesively with other contractors.
I struggled to cohesively construct an article about some of the many recent and important developments on this topic, but there is just too much.
This unique option allows us to cohesively manage and coordinate all aspects of an event, providing our clients with "high quality, low cost" service.
The pieces of the SV House had to fit perfectly together with clockwork precision. The angular look of the walls, ceilings, and other major elements fit cohesively.
As people use J2EE technology to develop large, complex enterprise applications, it is inevitable that different components are assembled cohesively to produce one integrated application.
Performance is the final component, and here we face the challenge of making WHO perform more efficiently and effectively, getting all levels of WHO to work more cohesively, and motivating staff.
Performance is the final component, and here we face the challenge of making WHO perform more efficiently and effectively, getting all levels of WHO to work more cohesively, and motivating staff.