The end result: windows that keep heat out in summer and heat in during the cold months, and radiators that pump heat to the building's interior without bleeding so much of it into the outside air.
Cavitation in the prewash and absorber pump prevented the Rectisol unit from delivering the designed flows of cold methanol.
On the base of the reasons, several measures to promote its property are put forward to avoid more damages of the cold ammonia pump.
Piercement of drilling pump cold cyclinder is a serious problem existed in field application. Piercement is caused by cavitation erosion.
Mike half an hour to turn off the cold water, using cold water circulation pump host can continue to move.
Interior of the pump placed in the application of cold or wind areas, as well as the process has the special requirements of the occasion.
The results show that there is great energy saving potential for this novel variable capacity air source heat pump system and it can be used in more cold districts.
Can be used in ship industry, cold water treatment, sea water and cold oil, Low pressure valves, rotating equipment, and reciprocating pump hydraulic squeeze machine, the ship propeller equipments.
As river water flows in and out through the lock, the marina functions as a heat sink, serving a submerged HVAC central plant and pump room which utilize the cold river water for heat rejection.
Then the view is not large, to choose a pump, plus some oil purification measures, such as the Canadian cold trap, baffle, retaining the oil wells, but also in order to reach a dirty vacuum.
The electronic circuitry of the various vacuum protection schemes, which use sputtering ion pump or cold-cathode or hot cathode ionization gauge as sensors, was compared.
A heat exchanger implemented in the villa collects this warm and cold air and transports it to the heat pump.
The heat pump stores cold air to cool in the summer and saves warm air to heat the house during winter times.
A gas engine driven heat pump cogeneration system for combined heat, cold and power production is put forward and represented in this paper.
The cold-heat cycle underground is closely related to the hydrogeological characteristics of various rock and soil stratum (aquifer) when groundwater source heat pump system is running.
This paper has approached to the cause for grinding"sense of ad-hesion"and formation of burrs of ram mate part of oil pump in cold working.
Compared to the single phase loop, for the given design conditions, the cold storage-heat pump loop radiator area was reduced by 69.9% and the system weight was reduced by 53.5%.
The soil source heat pump is a new kind of equipment to obtain the cold(or heat) energy in soil by the using of the medium.
Heat pump water heater and water from the environment in the pumping energy to heat cold water, run only takes a small amount of drive, "heat" (compressor) power costs.
The cold air in the cold-storing case can be released by a cycle pump and a fan in driving process.
在开车过程中打开阀门可将储冷箱内的冷 量通过一个循环泵和风扇释放出来。
The refrigerant liquid tanks form a refrigerant water closed circulation system through pipes, a refrigerator, a refrigerant water pump and a refrigerant water throttle valve to supply a cold source.
A flow path of hot water can be provided with a water inlet control valve, a temperature sensor, a water return pump and a cold-hot valve.
Non-pollution, The pump body is made of polyvinyl chloride (pvc)plastics, and the onter cover is of cold-rolled steel plate with backing finish.
The manual cold noodle making machine comprises the manual oil pump (picture 1), a machine body (picture 2), a flour cylinder (picture 3) and working solution (picture 4).
A manual cold noodle making machine is characterized in that a manual oil pump is used as a power source, and edible oil is used as a working solution medium.
The modeling of cold end system was carried out surrounded by its four subsystems, which are condenser, cooling tower, the end of lower pressure cylinder, and circulating water pump.
The modeling of cold end system was carried out surrounded by its four subsystems, which are condenser, cooling tower, the end of lower pressure cylinder, and circulating water pump.