Conclusions: Sulindac may inhibit the proliferation and induce apoptosis of colon cancer cell HT-29, and its mechanism probably relates to the progress of its prevention on cell cycle.
结论:舒林酸可抑制结肠癌细胞株ht - 29生长,其机制可能与其阻止细胞周期的进展,诱导细胞凋亡有关。
Conclusions: NDGA which, displays the relying effect of doses, can inhibit the growth of colon cancer cell line HT 29 and induce its apoptosis, telomerase plays an active role in this course.
Conclusions: NDGA which, displays the relying effect of doses, can inhibit the growth of colon cancer cell line HT 29 and induce its apoptosis, telomerase plays an active role in this course.