AIM: to probe into the exactitude of color kinesis in assessing the systolic velocity of cardiac muscle.
Objective: to study the value of color kinesis echocardiography (CK) to the diagnosis of unstable angina pectoris (UAP).
Methods:Viable myocardium of infracted myocardium according to the changing of images of color kinesis echocardiography(CK).
Objective To evaluate the value of color kinesis low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography (CK LDDE) in detecting viable myocardium.
Objective To assess the value of color kinesis low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography(CK LDDSE) in identifying viable myocardium.
Objective To develop a new method for measuring stroke volume and ejection fraction in the infarct and non infarct area with three dimensional color kinesis (CK) technique.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical value of tissue doppler imaging (TDI), color kinesis(CK) and acoustic densitometry (AD) in the assessment of non-infarcted regional myocardial function.
Objective:To evaluate the feasibility, safety and accuracy of Color Kinesis-Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography (CK-DSE)predicting the extent and location of coronary artery disease(CAD).
目的:评估彩色室壁动力(CK)分析技术多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图(CK -DSE)对预测冠状动脉病变(CAD)部位及程度的准确性、安全性及可行性。
Objective:To evaluate the feasibility, safety and accuracy of Color Kinesis-Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography (CK-DSE)predicting the extent and location of coronary artery disease(CAD).
目的:评估彩色室壁动力(CK)分析技术多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图(CK -DSE)对预测冠状动脉病变(CAD)部位及程度的准确性、安全性及可行性。