The church's east window has beautifully colored glass.
But the jewels you see are only colored glass, and the frame is painted silver.
But luckily there was a revival of the early techniques in the mid-1800s and artists went back to creating colored glass and using the lead strips in their designs.
Made by fragments of colored glass at one end of the tube.
One of the reasons why vintners use colored glass bottles? They're like sunglasses for wine.
It was made of colored glass. It stood in the largest and most lovely garden in all the world.
Look, it's also carved with many designs and inlaid with pieces of colored glass and little mirrors.
Hope to cooperate with you and go forward together to create a glorious future just like the multi-colored glass!
Two hundred Windows are set high in the walls of the National Cathedral. Most are made of many pieces of colored glass.
The grape motif printed on the plasterboard paneling is echoed, too, in the design of the pendant lamps of colored glass balls.
Decoration and so on in church saint picture, saint picture, sculpture and colored glass is abandoned, and cancellation saint world.
Our main products include all kinds of lovely animals, Christmas gifts, hollow ball garnishries and various colored glass handicrafts.
The piece now towers above the scarlet and gold bougainvillea bushes, the swirls of colored glass rising 24 feet high and spanning 50 feet in width.
Suppresses kinds of winebottle and the allotypic glass, produces glass art products and the presents, the cut glass, the colored glass production.
Colored glass is the magic material that is often present in these projects and that is essential in our interpretation of contemporary luxury idea.
Mesh impressions: transparent without a sense of vertigo, indoor to outdoor as a layer of colored glass lit, outdoor to indoor is vague and ambiguous.
Some were topped with great domes of colored glass. In the gathering dusk, with fires lit beneath them, the domes glowed blue and red and green and purple.
Our plates are made with various shapes and colors, and produced with different technics, such as decal, sanding, painting, fusing colored glass decorations, etc.
A photographic filter made of colored glass that modifies the light incident on a film by selectively absorbing colors. It is used when taking photographs through haze.
The invention relates to a glass composition for use in a lamp bulb including cobalt oxide to provide a blue colored glass, which composition comprises alkali metal oxide including lithium oxide.
Up until the 16th century, stained glass was colored during the glass making process itself.
Stained glass of course is simply glass that has been colored and cut into pieces and re-assembled to form a picture or a decorative design.
Why can't the colored water enter the glass?
'you basically let the crystal fall on something, black or dark-colored, and then you have to pick it up with a toothpick or brush and put it on a glass slide,' Libbrecht said.
Arrange an enticing array of rainbow-colored wine bottles into a fan shape with a wine glass front and center, and what do you have?
Arrange an enticing array of rainbow-colored wine bottles into a fan shape with a wine glass front and center, and what do you have?