Furthermore, the retrieval results using the proposed combination color and texture features method are more precise than the single feature method.
Or going with an infrequently-used color combination that's rare in the design world - but you saw plenty of during coastal sunsets.
The quality, color combination and style of the cloths one wears actually reflect his nature and class of character.
Orange is a combination of its two neighbors on the color wheel, red and yellow.
In this image, consider that each pixel is made up of a combination of Numbers used to specify the color that will be displayed.
Your eye repeatedly pauses to consider each horizontal line and the box created by each combination of line and background color.
Any color is acceptable, as is any combination of white markings.
Black, white, ash three classic combination of color, smooth lines of poetry will smoothly into an elegant, quiet space.
Rakowski cited several changes in the new browser, including a "minimalist user interface," the combination of two menus into one, an adjustment of the color scheme, and other modifications.
Confused the two distinct color combination, can achieve that kind of extreme color.
In the aspects of servo drive's form shape, color combination, the style is rigorous, professional, and scientific.
Delicacy and aesthetics through each other, infectious color combination caused by visual impact and strong psychological resonance.
Use of stone carving, relief carving and flower plate combination of techniques, according to subject matter and color requirements, with Ishinari map, refined into a variety of arts and crafts.
Above: I have a taste for yellow, gold color which feel pleasant and warm and are a good combination with the grey.
White as the base hue in combination with the "color" of untreated materials was chosen as a recurrent theme.
However, whether to make a print audience pleasing, put it down, the perfect combination of graphic design, color, text or layout in addition to outside.
But it's not just the canyon's size that makes it a natural wonder. It's the combination of size, color, form and texture. All those things together make it such a remarkable landscape.
A richer color combination and transition effects such as water chase will give you unlimited joy.
Men can wear a lightweight linen suit or dress pants-and-blazer combination in a light color, necktie optional.
Make sure your text contrasts STRONGLY with your background color — black text on a white background is the best combination.
RGB-SS skin detection models, as for the function, is combination of color space and complexion model.
RGB-SS skin detection models, as for the function, is combination of color space and complexion model.