Both sides agreed to expand cultural and educational exchanges by governmental, civil and commercial channels.
Mr Berlusconi and his children own the three main commercial channels and he exerts strong influence over two of the three owned by the state.
'Boric acid, like a lot of other chemicals, is moving in commercial channels which are certainly beyond the control of the producers,' the WHO's Mr. Moy says.
If it is applicable, private sale will be encouraged where private sales through commercial channels will result in higher realization on collateral for the benefit of all parties.
BBC Worldwide, the public corporation's commercial arm, has launched 17 channels since March 2008 and now has 46 around the world.
A number of well-known commercial websites have also become major channels for people to obtain news.
The four major state-run commercial Banks of our country have so impeded management channels and complicated management links that they have very low business efficiency.
Secondly it is a commercial way, namely readers purchase the text of the Romance of Three Kingdoms through channels of market consumption.
Given the commercial and custom solutions and services available today, selling organizations are increasingly able to generate sales through multiple channels.
When the securities market grows up at a certain scale, it is an objective requirement that channels be set up to connect the fund of commercial banks and the securities market.
They may have switched channels during the commercial break, be napping or talking on the telephone.
They may have switched channels during the commercial break, be napping or talking on the telephone.