By the later part of that century, however, the United States began to nullify common-law marriages and exert more control over who was allowed to marry.
Paradoxically, it was the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, an attempt to give statutory force to the common-law writ, which paved the way for its gradual erosion.
In some countries, such as Turkey and Mexico, the law is based on the French Napoleonic model where secured creditors may not collect as much as in common-law countries.
In many criminal cases, the common-law requirement that a defendant must have a mens rea (ie, he must or should know that he is doing wrong) has been weakened or erased.
The organizational bonds were based on the common principles of law and administration and on the universal army of officials who enforced common standards of conduct.
The premise was that the common law of contract lacked sufficient safeguards for workers against arbitrary conduct by management.
Canadian libel law is based on English common law.
England has had a central system of common law for centuries.
This concept of decided cases as a source of law is often referred to as the common law system, which must be contrasted with the civil law system developed in continental Europe.
Such a bill could not abolish rights found in the European convention (and common law precedent already protects family life and privacy).
But he concedes too much when he states, at least at the beginning of his paper, that "of course it [the common law] is efficient" relative to certain specified goals.
This document, the Provisions of Westminster, formed the basis of English common law for the next several centuries.
The common law was also quite ingenious in devising forms of common or joint ownership, with subtle technical differences between them.
The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of "unwritten" or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community.
The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of “unwritten” or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community.
During his reign, a common law was gradually established in place of the previous laws of the local barons.
And as some lawyers have introduced unreasonable things into common law, so likewise many teachers have introduced absurd things into common good manners.
The common law was ingenious in carving up rights to land into various complex segments called "estates".
Likewise many unmarried couples, who have cohabited for years, may assume there is no need for a will as they are common law husband and wife.
The traditional common law view that employment is at will and can be terminated for any reason - or none - is rapidly being eroded.
The DIFC is overseen by its own judicial system, based on common law.
Since it has been expressively stipulated in the<<Common Law>>on the Board of Supervisors, then the company should take up strengthening the supervision function of the Board of Supervisors.
On the other hand common law without statute would still be a system, although a very imperfect one.
The English common law rule still applies, but only to defamation actions.
The English common law rule still applies, but only to defamation actions.