Fast Communications Manager (FCM).
Control and observe Cisco Unified Communications Manager phones.
Officially, Dave Karle is an executive communications manager at Microsoft.
Reports to: Associate Communications Manager, Public Affairs, Shanghai Disney Resort.
Work with Marketing Communications Manager to ensure the creative and design meets Brand standards.
The writer, a corporate communications manager discovers a unique brand of decision-making and aesthetics.
她在工作中 体验了一种独特的决策过程和审美观。
Note: Access to the collateral library is subject to approval of Marketing Communications Manager and DOSM.
Provides technical support to the Marketing & Communications Manager in regards to designs of all collateral and advertisement.
I'm a marketing and communications manager with over 10 years of experience working for private companies and nonprofit organizations.
The photographic equipment will be kept in steel safe. The keys will be kept by Marketing Communications Manager and MarCom Coordinator.
Batteries aside, another hurdle could be a lack of bandwidth, says Rick Hampton, wireless communications manager for Partners Healthcare System in Boston.
"The alumni network is like a giant little black book you can access years after you leave," says Jenny Soderlind, alumni communications manager at London Business School.
“校友圈子就像一本绝妙的小黑册子,在你离校多年后都可以使用,”伦敦商学院(London Business School)校友交流管理人詹妮·索德·林德表示。
"I definitely think that social media is about to change the way we do things entirely," says Jill Fletcher, social media and communications manager for Virgin America.
Howard Wolfson, Hillary Clinton's former communications manager, wrote in a blog for New Republic that McCain's negative campaign would not save the Republican candidate.
“They didn’t upload it, they didn’t film it, they didn’t review it and yet they have been found guilty, ” said Google’s senior communications manager, Bill Echikson, in Milan.
“他们没有上传,没有拍摄,没有查看,却还是被判有罪”Google米兰高级公关经理Bill Echikson表示。
Marketing Communications Manager will be equipped a full knowledge of the hotel service and facility to introduce the hotel to the media personnel and answer inquiries raised.
The system isoverseen by Danny Bogaerts, a communications manager who was told when hejoined the company in 1975 not to learn about telexes because they were soongoing to be obsolete.
"Searching the internet on a mobile phone right now is painful," said Justin Gardner, Kozoru's communications manager. "You have limited real estate when you’re looking at a phone.
In order to complete the monitoring system and instrumentation interlock system, the communications monitoring system at the management of the addition of a communications manager.
"We give rewards to employees based on reports from mystery customers, and this will stimulate their enthusiasm at work," said ji Li, corporate communications manager of Beijing McDonald's Food.
Nokia Call Connect for Cisco is designed for businesses that already have, or plan to install, Cisco Unified Communications Manager or Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express infrastructure.
As a project manager you will have to deal with both written and oral communications.
Unlike communications from one MQ server to another, MQ channels are not defined for transmission queues from an MQ server to a gateway queue manager.
The agent manager keeps track of the agents you install, and works under the covers to handle digital certificates to secure communications between the agents, agent manager, and the workbench.
As Figure 1 shows, if there are multiple clients connecting to the gateway queue manager through the communications listener, a bottleneck can be created by the bridge queue.
At the time Mr Cooper was general manager of Motorola's Communications Systems Division.
After secure communications have been established, the Connection Manager sends a form-based challenge to the remote application prompting for user credentials.
The ODBC Driver Manager is a software layer that manages the communications between the user application and ODBC Driver.
ODBCDriverManager是一个软件层,管理用户应用程序与odbc Driver之间的通信。
The ODBC Driver Manager is a software layer that manages the communications between the user application and ODBC Driver.
ODBCDriverManager是一个软件层,管理用户应用程序与odbc Driver之间的通信。