Owners of holiday caravans will not normally have to pay a standard community charge.
Indeed, the degree of backing for the principle of the community charge surprised ministers.
But this is the result of dedicated work over a long period, particularly from the officers in charge of community development.
In February 2002, the community decided to charge $0.25 per photo mainly to cover site maintenance fees, with 20% of charges going back to the photographer.
It is an attempt to provide the executable and source code to a complex-yet-adaptable NMS solution — free of charge — to the development community.
Newspapers and newsletters – You canlist your Volunteer Job Description free of charge in many local newspapers, P.T.A. newsletters or other community publications.
报纸或者新闻通讯 :组织的志愿者招募信息,通常可以免费发布在许多当地报纸、家长通讯或者其他社区出版物上。
“We let the community take charge and choose the topics,” says Munduru, “although we guide them to make sure that they are balanced.
Enhances the capacity of the community members to fully take charge of their lives and fully address emerging challenges using available resources.
The day after Mr Cameron’s speech, Lord Wei, a social activist and former management consultant who was put in charge of the policy, announced that he was leaving his role to return to community work.
就在卡梅伦发表相关演讲的次日,社会活动家和前任国家管理顾问,魏爵士就发表言论称:他即将放下手里的工作,却只是为了回去当一名社工。 而口出此言的,就是那个受命负责这项政策的家伙。
SXC is a friendly community of photography addicts who generously offer their works to the public free of charge.
It may come as a surprise to some of you, but a no-charge version of the DB2 9 database called DB2 Express-C is also available to the community.
对于你们当中某些人来说这也许是个惊喜,社区还有一个免费版本的名为DB 2 Express- C的DB 29数据库可以使用。
Download a no-charge version of DB2 Express Edition for the community that offers the same core data features as DB2 Express Edition and provides a solid base to build and deploy applications.
下载为社区提供的DB2ExpressEdition 免费版,该版本提供了与 DB2 Express Edition相同的核心数据特性,并为构建和部署应用程序提供坚实的基础。
DB2 Express-C is a no-charge community edition of the DB2 data server.
DB 2Express - c是db 2数据服务器的免费社区版本。
Download DB2 Express-C 9.7.4, a fully licensed product available at no-charge for the community.
下载DB 2Express - C9.7.4,这是供社区使用的免费版。
This paper analyzed the key technique about the Community Antenna Television charge system and put forward a Multiplayer Architectures scheme based on Dot NET framework.
Service attitude, charge and vivid degree of community hospital are most satisfated. Instruments and facilities, health education and mental appease are lack.
Maybe they even feel that if the product was created with community volunteer help it would be immoral to charge more than it costs.
The 5p charge has also resulted in donations of more than 29million pound from retailers towards good causes, including charities and community groups.
National Societies can also encourage setting up community emergency committees in charge of planning, guiding and coordinating response and preparedness activities.
Shanghai Gaodong Asset Management Co. , Ltd takes charge of management and non-management capital in our town. Its responsibility includes imposing earth and planning Community property.
上海高东资产经营管理有限公司 主要负责上海高东企业集团下属各类经营性资产的统一管理。
Social production creates pride in the possibility of community members taking charge and providing their own needs.
And the thinking part of the community would bring no charge of unfairness against this plan. Did not the accused person have the whole matter in his own hands?
Courses in the training and continuing education program for security and surveillance professionals are provided free of charge to members of the security community.
The Administration Team is in charge of a lot of petty affairs, from producing all written articles in the Community to the maintenance and management of public properties etc.
Responsibility is a kind of work on the community in charge of their own.
It is provided free of charge, in the hope that it is useful to the email community.
City Community AIDS voluntary counseling and testing free of charge from 5 points to 18, and in the strictest confidence, the public can rest assured.
City Community AIDS voluntary counseling and testing free of charge from 5 points to 18, and in the strictest confidence, the public can rest assured.