You don't have to be a community organizer.
But in the past, Senator Obama was a community organizer for ACORN.
It’s really abouthaving a great idea and being a good community organizer.
This job will be sort of like being a community organizer at a non-profit.
I told her that I'm a community organizer, that I've been at this for five years.
Please specify on the envelope "Application for Non-civil Service Community Organizer".
I said I was going to Chicago, and I told him I was going there to work as a community organizer.
Please specify on the envelope "Application for Non-civil Service Contract Community Organizer".
It is an inherently social behavior. Joel describes the role of the "online community organizer".
Don't dream about the community organizer can do or will do some thing good for the great country!
But the best education I ever got was working as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago.
'That was not only a retort to the Obama campaign, but a dig at Sen. Obama's own experience as a community organizer in Chicago.
As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States Senator - he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.
As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States senator — he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.
As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States senator-he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.
In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American dream, as a community organizer, in the State Senate, as a United States senator.
In his days as a community organizer, he was accustomed to listening as people on the South Side poured out their troubles for hours on end.
Barack Obama moved to Chicago in nineteen eighty-five, two years after college. He took a job as a community organizer for a church-based group.
When I was on the brink of graduating from college, I had this crazy idea that I wanted to be a community organizer and work in low-income neighborhoods.
You can live comfortably in the United States as a schoolteacher, or a community organizer, or a civil rights lawyer, or an artist—that is, by any reasonable definition of comfort.
The community organizer says he and about a dozen bloggers drafted a Cyclists Bill of Rights in January that he is presenting for a vote at neighborhood council meetings around the region.
这位社区积极分子表示,他和十几名博主今年1月草拟了一份“骑自行车者权利法案”(Cyclists Billof Rights),正提交给该地区的地方委员会进行投票。
The ideal coordinator is an experienced organizer, is detail-oriented, works well with different kinds of people, and is well connected to many sectors of the community.
The ideal coordinator is an experienced organizer, is detail-oriented, works well with different kinds of people, and is well connected to many sectors of the community.