Many financial and other sequencing events require you to store both the date and time of day; such as recording when a purchase was completed.
He takes the time to explain the available options, make recommendations, state the total costs, and promise a date when the work can be completed.
It would be easy to define a single step which removes from these 4 tables all data related to editions that completed before a certain date.
Set a deadline for each goal - both short and long term. By what date do you want to have completed your goals?
It becomes out-of-date the moment it is completed, and will continue to change with time, as you approach the release of your portal.
Deadline: the date when the milestone must be completed.
You haven't completed this cheque; you have missed out the date.
After the parallel gateway two additional tasks are executed that ship the book to the customer and inform the customer about the arrival date before the process is completed by an end event.
If the current date is December 15, the last completed month is November, so all instances with Creation Time during November, the last completed month, will be displayed.
The ToDo interface represents a single task on the task database on the mobile device. The important fields are Note or Summary, Priority, Completion Date, Due Date and whether completed.
ToDo接口表示移动设备上的Task数据库中的单个任务,重要的字段是NoteorSummary、Priority、CompletionDate、Due Date和whethercompleted。
"Acceptance date" means the date on which Buyer agrees that the Supplies have successfully completed the Acceptance Tests as defined in "Acceptance Tests and Forms" Appendix.
Transaction processing is completed the day value date.
Free treatments should be completed within 12 months from purchase date or will be forfeited.
When the machine is combined with metering equipments, full packaging process including automatic feeding, metering, bag filling, date printing and automatic counting is completed.
Completed application forms should reach the Enquiry Address on or before the closing date for application.
Completed forms should reach the enquiry address below on or before the closing date for application.
You must turn in completed community service forms by the due date for each semester which will be announced at school.
Take the last (by date) completed execution of a task and calculate the time interval between then and now.
What are the phases of the project, and by what date will each phase be completed?
The design shall be completed within twelve (12) months from the Effective date of the Contract.
The design shall be completed within twelve (12) months from the Effective date of the Contract.