The POWER5 microprocessor doubles that throughput by collecting two groups of up to five instructions per clock cycle and completing two groups per clock cycle.
POWER 5微处理器使此吞吐量增加了一倍,每个时钟周期收集两组指令(每组最多有五个),并在每个时钟周期内完成两组指令。
As it is a year that marks the end of another Chinese year cycle, it can be a time for completing unfinished business and much can be achieved as a result.
The Year of the Pig is significant, not only in completing the cycle of animal years, but also in marking what can be a time of considerable opportunity and growth.
This means it shifts by 11 days a year in comparison with the Gregorian calendar, completing a full cycle in about 33 years.
这就意味着伊历每年比公历少11天。 累积大约33年就会满一年。
As June begins the energy is focused on the process of completing the cycle of change that has been underway for the past few years.
However, the lessons learnt are carried forward at a subconscious level, and your present civilization was charged with completing its cycle without destroying itself.
The process of aging and eventual death must finally be taken as the natural process of the life cycle, the old completing their limited life span and making way for the young.
Nutrients are chemical elements which is necessary in maintaining normal metabolism and completing life cycle of the plants.
You can also see how you can use refactoring as a part of your database development life cycle by completing the introductory walkthroughs.
HD series water-cooled type cold and dry machine is the use of water as a carrier for cooling refrigerant, thus completing the entire refrigeration cycle.
Upon release of the finger piece the magazine follower spring is released, and bolt could be closed, thus completing the loading cycle.
Carbon in its many forms converted by man to CO2e sits in the atmosphere awaiting the day C4 vegetation factory to consume it to make soil carbon completing the carbon Cycle.
碳被人们以各种各样的形式应用最后转化为二氧化碳,然后进入大气中等待c 4植被来进行消耗并把它转化为土壤碳,从而最终完成了碳循环。
Arginase catalyzes the conversion of arginine to ornithine and urea, completing the last step in the urea cycle.
Arginase catalyzes the conversion of arginine to ornithine and urea, completing the last step in the urea cycle.