Some or all of the purchase price is often computed based on Target profits for some period following the acquisition.
Article 15 For taxpayers importing goods, tax payable shall be computed based on the composite assessable price and the tax rates prescribed in Article 2 of these Regulatoins. No tax will be credited.
The value of goods export and import is computed by free-on-board price, the value of services import and export by market price when transaction actually occurs.
F. Net sales of the year: the amount computed based upon the sale price of product or commodity in a tax year (net of sales return and sales discount and allowances).
Article 15 For taxpayers importing goods, tax payable shall be computed based on the composite assessable price and the tax rates prescribed in Article 2 of these Regulations. No tax will be credited.
Article 14 For taxpayers importing goods, tax payable shall be computed on the basis of the composite assessable price and the tax rates prescribed in Article 2 of the Regulations.
Net sales of the quarter: the total amount computed based upon the sale price of product or commodity in the quarter (net of sales returns and sales discounts and allowances).
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is computed by taking the average price of the 30 stocks and dividing that figure by a number called the divisor.
The cross-price coefficients and elasticities can then be computed using the estimated coefficients for the cross-price indices and the distance measures between brands.
The cross-price coefficients and elasticities can then be computed using the estimated coefficients for the cross-price indices and the distance measures between brands.