The operational architecture artifact represents a network of computer systems that support some of the performance, scalability, and fault tolerance (among others) requirements of the solution.
That in turn could lead to network architecture and computer chips that process and move information as quickly and seamlessly as our brains do.
The paper discusses the architecture of simulation computer based on microcomputer network, the communication protocol, the synchronization issues and the fault diagnoses of the simulation system.
In this paper, logic architecture and work principle of security technologies of computer network are presented, and then some detection tools are discussed.
The construction of postal agent insurance computer system is given in brief. Based on service architecture and function, the network architecture, application system and security are demonstrated.
Create simple network designs and network architecture diagrams, using basic network and computer equipment shapes.
Contains basic network and computer equipment shapes for network architecture diagrams, network design and documentation, and networked structures.
Contains computers, topology shapes, peripherals, and other network and computer equipment (hardware, connections) for logical or physical diagrams and network architecture design.
Courses include telecommunications, computer architecture, network security, web programming, and related subjects.
LI Dong, born in 1967, professor. His research interests include computer network security, parallel computing, computer architecture, and computer graphics.
In this paper, the architecture and the detection principle of adaptive model generation systems are studied, then the adaptive model for intrusion detection of computer network is established.
In this paper, the architecture and the detection principle of adaptive model generation systems are studied, then the adaptive model for intrusion detection of computer network is established.