Security system for command automation network is based on the security analysis of information storage, communication channel, computer virus, electromagnetism radiation and so on.
With the widely application of the computer network communication technology in the power secondary system, network security problems become more and more striking.
Chaotic encryption applies a new research approach to solve security of information in computer network and security communication inaugurate.
Using the technologies such as hook, network communication, data encrypting and database, computer operation analyzing and data security managing system has been implemented.
Information security is the precondition and basis of everything that can work regularly based on the computer network communication.
Since the rapidly development of the computer network and communication technology, the security of data that transfer on the network attracts more and more attentions.
Information security is the basis of modern computer communication network, while modern cryptographic algorithm is also the core part of the information security.
The research is from Fujian provincial natural science fund subject: "Computer & Communication Network Variable Structure Data Encryption and Security Research".
The research is from Fujian provincial natural science fund subject: "Computer & Communication Network Variable Structure Data Encryption and Security Research".