Image segmentation is a key technique in image processing and computer vision field.
Image segmentation is an important area in the general field of image processing and computer vision.
Edge detection is the important content in the image processing, and it is the basis of image segmentation, pattern recognition and computer version.
This paper is about the problem of segmentation of eyeground optic disk image, based on method of computer image processing.
Image segmentation is the key step from image processing to image analysis, and also is a basic computer vision technology.
Image segmentation is an important technology in the image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision area.
As one of the most important and typical problems in image processing and computer vision fields, image segmentation is the basic premise in image vision analysis and pattern recognition.
Medical image segmentation is an important field in image processing and analysis, and it's the basis for computer assisted diagnosis and clinical treatment.
It is a critical technology in computer machine vision field, and the segmentation result directly related to the image analysis, image understanding and subsequent image processing result.
It is a critical technology in computer machine vision field, and the segmentation result directly related to the image analysis, image understanding and subsequent image processing result.