The polymer structure has the conjugated polymer backbone system having N-hexylpyridyl moieties.
Some applications of se lf-assembly technique in molecular-level manipulation conjugated polymer have been introduced.
There is a promising application in the study of stimulated emission of organic semiconductor materials such as conjugated polymer.
Based on the excellent nonlinear optical properties of hyperbranched conjugated polymer, those polymers are attracting more and more attention as functional polymer materials.
The resin (b) is preferred to be conjugated diene polymer cyclization material with unsaturated bond decrement rate more than 10%.
Results of analysis with IR and ESCA showed that ring -shaped conjugated structures exist in the films. Copper atom may be linked to the polymer either by covalent bond or coordination bond.
红外光谱和电子能谱的分析结果表明:聚合物薄膜中含有环状共轭结构,铜与聚合物以共 价键、配 位键结合。
OBJECTIVE to prepare a novel brain targeting system, lactoferrin conjugated self-assembled polymer vesicles (Lf-PVs), which the brain delivery property had been evaluated in vivo.
Surfacants with phospholipids conjugated with a water soluble or hydrophilic polymer such as PEGare used as coating for the particles.
Surfacants with phospholipids conjugated with a water soluble or hydrophilic polymer such as PEGare used as coating for the particles.