Getting an installment loan through a consumer finance company is generally simpler and faster than getting a loan from a bank.
Finn M.W. Caspersen, the heir and former chief of the Beneficial Corp., the consumer-finance company, committed suicide on Labor Day on the grounds of the Shelter Harbor Golf Club in Westerly, r.i..
消费金融公司BeneficialCorp .的继承人、前任首席执行长芬恩·卡斯·帕森(FinnM.W . Caspersen)于9月7日劳工节当天在罗德岛州韦斯特利的ShelterHarbor高尔夫俱乐部里自杀身亡。
The CBRC may designate an accounting firm, if necessary, to make an auditing of the consumer financial company about its business, finance, risk and internal control system and implementation.
Article 3 the name of a consumer financial company shall contain the words of "consumer finance".
Article 3 the name of a consumer financial company shall contain the words of "consumer finance".