DOSFSG is a kind of context free grammar, DOSFSS is a kind of semantics with operation set.
If I have a context free grammar, it doesn't generate the programs. I still have to write them.
The context free grammar (CFG) was applied broadly in the automatic syntactic parsing of natural language processing.
This dissertation discusses the theory and realization of the Probabilistic Context Free Grammar-based syntactic parser.
Bill Venners: Is a pattern language like having a context free grammar, and from which you can make a whole bunch of programs?
Context free grammar extended by constrained formula and an improved LR parser are adopted to formalize and recognize the special strings.
Finally, you can design your own programming or domain-specific language with the help of ANTLR Studio, which lets you create context-free grammar definitions based on the ANTLR framework.
最后,您可以在ANTLRStudio的帮助下设计您自己的编程语言或特定于域的语言,ANTLR Studio允许您基于ANTLR框架创建上下文自由的语法定义。
If you work with a context-free grammar, the structure of n-gram (see Resources) might be what you require.
The Sequitur compression algorithm is a linear-time online algorithm that forms a context-free grammar for a given string input.
A probabilistic context-free grammar (or PCFG) is a context-free grammar that associates a probability with each of its productions.
probabilistic context - free grammar(或者说是PCFG)是一种上下文无关语法,它将其每一个产品关联到一个概率。
Fuzzy context-free grammar is one important kind of grammars.
Probabilistic context-free grammar can provide a solution to this problem: select the one whose probability is maximum from the ambiguity.
First, a structural model has been put forward and constructed for general ICS ', then by utilization of formal language theory, the structural model formulated as a kind of context-free grammar.
This paper briefly introduces the classification of words and part-of-speech tagging, then introduces a computer model of syntactic processing: context-free grammar.
According 'to the context-free grammar model of GEP, the dissertation point out that Candida's GEP techniques cannot process context-free grammar with multiple none-terminals.
According 'to the context-free grammar model of GEP, the dissertation point out that Candida's GEP techniques cannot process context-free grammar with multiple none-terminals.