Now the distance medicine education is rapidly entering the after-graduation and continue education phase for these angels in white.
It allows students to have to continue education, expand their knowledge and field of vision, and cultivate their independence and personality.
Last October , Tsing Hua university's sub-college , Tsing Hua continue education school set its new sector named IT talents training center (ITTTC) in Henan , a less-developed province .
Most people of the Elizabethan times did not continue beyond grammar school, so Shakespeare did have at least an average education.
Economist Bryan Caplan, who is writing a book about education, agrees: "It's a giant waste of resources that will continue as long as the subsidies continue."
Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.
However, the family have politely refused all of them and chosen to continue Tani's education at P.S. 116.
We know that more than 850,000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital.
They were expected to provide adults with the opportunity to continue their education after they left school.
She plans to continue her education for four more years, saying it will help her business.
"I must go to school to continue my study because I can't do anything without a good education," I said to myself silently.
I plan to finish this school year, but if I continue, I ll probably be paying more for what could be an inferior education.
I plan to finish this school year, but if I continue, I'll probably be paying more for what could be an inferior education.
Education and social security will have to adapt to a world in which jobs continue to be created and displaced at a rapid rate.
Both sides should continue expanding exchanges and cooperation in the areas of education and culture encourage joint running of schools and increase the exchanges of students.
We will continue to give high priority to education.
Finish up your formal education (but continue learning).
Clearly, open source is going to play an increasingly significant role within education, and this will continue to create opportunities for vendors that are able to offer services.
Others choose to stick around and go to work for American companies, while some continue their education elsewhere.
The two sides will continue to take positive measures to further the cooperation and exchanges between them in the scientific, technological, cultural, education, health and other fields.
Workers who are laid off will continue to benefit from free health care and education, heavily subsidised housing and transport and modest rations of free food.
The irony is that as access to information becomes cheaper and cheaper, education and tuition fees continue to increase!
Even in places facing destructive monsoonal flooding, such as Bangladesh, "floating schools" in the delta enable kids to continue their education-on boats.
Intel often pays for workers to continue their education at nearby Portland State University.
As long as users are trained to reach for PCs early in their education and their careers, they're likely to continue to do so throughout their lives.
As long as users are trained to reach for PCs early in their education and their careers, they're likely to continue to do so throughout their lives.