She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception.
With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.
Unfortunately, wide-ranging contraception programs do not usually reduce this rate.
Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.
Conclusion: Hypothermia as a method of male-contraception is feasible.
Contraception is still a controversial issue in this part of the world.
Yet maybe the simplest way to save her life would have been contraception.
According to Carver, 200 million women wish to delay or prevent their next pregnancy but lack access to contraception.
How people choose to consume resources and use contraception influences their responses to climate change, according to a team of psychologists.
Safe and confidential access to modern methods of contraception can and should be a right — it is a cheap enough intervention to be affordable worldwide.
Contraception may be feasible — but will only serve to control Numbers in the future and not do much to help ease elephant Numbers in the short term.
“Male contraception is a critical area, ” said Jenny Sorensen, a foundation spokeswoman. “It doesn’t make sense to not include everyone in the discussion.”
They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care.
Access to contraception has increased worldwide but there are still an estimated 120 million couples who do not get the contraceptives they would like or need.
After adjustment for fertility intention, women in the richest wealth quintile were more likely than those in the poorest quintile to practice long-term contraception.
A number of states will consider measures that would limit access to abortion and contraception, by requiring parental notification when minors seek such services.
It's possible to use standard estrogen-progestin birth control pills for emergency contraception, but check with your doctor for the proper dose and timing of the pills.
The planners reasoned that while many people would suffer or die from botched sterilizations or contraception, tens of thousands fewer women would die in childbirth.
The study indicates that, not only does oral contraception not increase risk for disease or death, but it may provide some protection and even increase longevity for women.
In addition to effective contraception, which can be physical separation barrier on the virus, greatly reducing the user infection or risk of diseases being transmitted.
They are key points in rodent pest control. The methods of rodent pest control include agricultural control, chemical control, physical control and immuno-contraception.
They found that, women who had taken oral contraception at some point in their lives had a lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who had never taken the pill.
Objective: To understand the change of induced abortion of rural married reproductive women in Gansu Province after carried out the high quality service of contraception.
Mr Wire totted up the cost of supplying contraception to women who wished either to delay their childbearing years or to end them artificially but who were not using contraception.
Many experts emphasize that easing India's population burden will require a holistic response centered on improving health services and teaching about a full range of contraception.
While male contraception has been studied before, no method met the stringent safety and effectiveness criteria that female methods do. It was also unclear whether men would use them.
He then mentioned many cases in which the Court had upheld the right of personal privacy in marriage, family relationships, contraception, childbirth, child rearing, and education.
Indicators of attitudes towards and use of contraception were derived from Demographic and Health Surveys, which are nationally representative and yield internationally comparable data.
Indicators of attitudes towards and use of contraception were derived from Demographic and Health Surveys, which are nationally representative and yield internationally comparable data.