Therapeutic strategies should aim to control blood pressure;
But the reflexes that control blood pressure and heart rate are not simple.
Both stress the importance of combination treatment to control blood pressure, and so forth.
It is clear that olmesartan has a very good position in the armamentarium to control blood pressure.
Instead, women in the more recent survey were more likely to be using medications to control blood pressure and cholesterol.
Conclusion: Behavioral intervention can control blood pressure more effectively, and reduce complication in community healthcare.
KNOW AND CONTROL blood pressure: High blood pressure is often called a "silent killer" because it has no warning signs or symptoms.
Uncovering exactly how raised levels of JAM-1 disrupt the brain's ability to control blood pressure is the next step in tackling the disease.
They also discovered that restricting salt intake can help control blood pressure and make it easier for patients to get down to a proper dry-weight.
Changing your diet to control blood pressure doesn't seem quite so straightforward. Yet food can have a direct and sometimes dramatic effect on blood pressure.
The strict control blood pressure may obviously reduce and the postponement bends down the urine sickness patient trunk and the capillaries well sends sickness.
Even more surprising, cutting salt by 3 g per day was as effective in reducing death rates among people with hypertension as taking medication to control blood pressure.
Objective To investigate the role of aprotinin with control blood pressure during endoscopy surgery operation of sinusitis and the effect on the blood coagulative function.
Drugs that interact badly with grapefruit juice, leading to a possible overdose and dangerous side-effects, include some used to control blood pressure or lower cholesterol.
The hospitals had cut way back on the large amounts of pain-killing drugs usually given during and after surgery that were used primarily to control blood pressure, not pain.
For hypertensive patients with high blood lipid control blood pressure in patients with positive blood lipids should be to target and prevent cardio-cerebral vascular diseases.
Conclusion Health education intervention on hypertension is the important method of community integrated prevention and control, which can help hypertension control blood pressure effectively.
OBJECTIVE to carry out stratified follow-up intervention of hypertension in family is to control blood pressure levels to explore the feasibility of family integrated control of chronic diseases.
He has to take pills to control his blood pressure.
However you manage it, you will lose weight, get your blood pressure under control and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
If you have diabetes it is very important to control your blood pressure and blood sugar to minimize the risk.
If someone does not control stress then this could result in some major disease like the person can become a heart patient and they can have some sort of high or low blood pressure.
For example, the authors note that in most countries surveyed, many patients took medicine to lower blood pressure, but not enough to really bring blood pressure under control.
Now, a study reports a striking success: when barbers checked their male patrons' blood pressure on every visit, the men were far more likely to see a doctor and get high blood pressure under control.
By the end of the study, more than half of both groups had their blood pressure under control.
Your partner starts to control your blood pressure and autonomic nervous system.It has huge implications for physical health.
Your partner starts to control your blood pressure and autonomic nervous system. It has huge implications for physical health.
Little is known about its effects, but changing its levels, possibly through diet or with different gut bacteria, might help to control high blood pressure.
Little is known about its effects, but changing its levels, possibly through diet or with different gut bacteria, might help to control high blood pressure.