This is saying moderate control of blood pressure is effective.
It can also assist with the control of blood pressure and is a natural diuretic.
The control of blood pressure was evaluated as apparent, effective and ineffective.
An automated drug administration system used for control of blood pressure is presented.
The control of blood pressure was evaluated with the unified inventory before treatment and 24 weeks after treatment.
One group that failed to show any significant improvement between the two surveys in their control of blood pressure was white women.
In addition, the kidney also has control of blood pressure, stimulating erythropoietin, and maintain an important role in bone health.
Objective:To investigate and analyze the information of hypertension treatment, and to explore the reason of poorly control of blood pressure.
Conclusion Community TCM nursing intervention is beneficial to the control of blood pressure and the improvement of self-management ability for elderly hypertensive patients.
The experiments performed in rabbits indicate that the adaptive control will significantly improve the performance of drug infusion systems used for control of blood pressure.
AIM: To study the medication and control of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension from countryside of Dalianwan area, and provide data for prevention and control of blood pressure.
However you manage it, you will lose weight, get your blood pressure under control and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
If someone does not control stress then this could result in some major disease like the person can become a heart patient and they can have some sort of high or low blood pressure.
Uncovering exactly how raised levels of JAM-1 disrupt the brain's ability to control blood pressure is the next step in tackling the disease.
By the end of the study, more than half of both groups had their blood pressure under control.
Heart disease remains the number-one killer of women in the U.S., but you can control the most important risk factors-high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, high cholesterol, inactivity, and obesity.
Prior to the operation, some patients may need medications to control the symptoms of the tumor, such as high blood pressure.
Important treatments for kidney disease are tight control of blood glucose and blood pressure.
Other steps include the promotion of smoking cessation, exercise and diet programmes plus the use of generic drugs to reduce blood pressure, control blood sugar and cholesterol.
She compared ranges of blood pressure control on the effect on death, heart attack, and stroke during the follow-up.
The researchers recommended better weight, lipid, and blood pressure control in youth with diabetes to prevent or delay the development of cardiovascular disease as they grow up.
Both stress the importance of combination treatment to control blood pressure, and so forth.
You can control their weight to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada are studying a mobile phone system that may help people with diabetes control their blood pressure.
Methods 24 cases of patients with preoperative targeted psychological care, close observation of vital signs, pain changes, and actively control the blood pressure and pain.
Results: The rate of blood pressure control and clinical compliance of intervention group increased, while the complication rate is reduced notably.
People taking diuretics to control high blood pressure or edema are especially at risk of developing a potassium deficiency.
People taking diuretics to control high blood pressure or edema are especially at risk of developing a potassium deficiency.