Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt.
The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.
If a villain throws a wrench into the machine, the sequence of cogs carried along the conveyor belt could change visibly - say from red-blue-blue to red-green-blue.
The chain sushi restaurant makes things easier -- most of them offer photographic menus and you can simply serve yourself from the mini conveyor belt.
The staff load dirty bed sheets and towels onto a conveyor belt which runs into an industrial-sized, energy-efficient washer that uses a third of the water of traditional machines.
The boxes move down a conveyor belt and make their way to a loading area, where they are met by a robot.
I receive quizzical stares and more than a few raised eyebrows while unloading my cart onto the conveyor belt at the supermarket.
We're faced with analyzing data as it passes by on a high-speed conveyor belt.
The ocean floor rock, basalt, along with the sediment that built up on top of it, was drawn down at the edge of an ocean as part of the conveyor-belt mechanism that moves the continents.
E're faced with analyzing data as it passes by on a high-speed conveyor belt.
I see our bags on the conveyor belt.
Next the fish go onto a conveyor belt and the process speeds up as workers swiftly fillet the fish.
There the cane is weighed, washed, tipped onto a conveyor belt, crushed and then, depending on market conditions, crystallised into sugar or distilled into ethanol.
When a customer arrives at a supermarket checkout, an overhead camera identifies the items on the conveyor belt and anything left behind in the shopping trolley.
Everybody has heard stories of Asian bosses who stopped the conveyor belt and smashed the products coming off it to show that they would not tolerate substandard output.
A Met Office study also rules out the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean's conveyor belt, which would trigger Arctic winters in Britain like those seen in the film the Day After Tomorrow.
According to his calculations, a little helping hand would turn the Earth's magnetic field into a conveyor belt that would vent the gas into outer space, whence it would never return.
They do their best to avoid discussing the subject of the petition, instead ushering people to the table, where another team member pressures them into signing in conveyor-belt fashion.
Everyone else took their luggage off the conveyor belt, but mine didn't seem to be there.
They Bob merrily along for a couple of minutes before being collected by a conveyor belt.
Inside teams of butchers fillet and trim the carcasses that arrive on a conveyor belt, tossing the cut meat into plastic-lined trolleys.
And while you're waiting for your shoes to come rolling down the conveyor belt, console yourself with this news: the TSA may soon allow passengers to pass through security with their shoes on again.
Already, the skeleton of an enormous conveyor belt snakes out of the refinery and up to the foot of the mountain.
As shown in this diagram, food, such as large cuts of meat or packaged products, is placed on a conveyor belt under the electron beam.
The weighed and cut dough pieces are carried by the conveyor belt of the dough divider and is rounded with this machine.
The conveyor belt at the giant Avtovaz car factory, which produces the ubiquitous Lada, has spent much of this year motionless.
规模巨大的伏尔加汽车制造厂的产品包括随处可见的拉达轿车。 该厂装配线的传送带今年大多数时候都在趴窝。
The conveyor belt at the giant Avtovaz car factory, which produces the ubiquitous Lada, has spent much of this year motionless.
规模巨大的伏尔加汽车制造厂的产品包括随处可见的拉达轿车。 该厂装配线的传送带今年大多数时候都在趴窝。